While I like the idea behind this, and certain parts of the animation style, I think it needs some work overall. First off, the animation is a bit choppy and just overall doesn't have enough keyframes to give it smoothness and fluidity. Take for example, the face of the ground. It just changes too quickly for the viewer (in this case, me) to be able to process what exactly is going on. I had to watch it several times just to see each change get what was happening. You don't ever want your viewer to HAVE TO rewatch something just because it was too fast. The other example would be at the end, I couldn't read the text at all. It must have only been on screen for a few frames at most, meaning only a fraction of a second. As a general rule, if you're going to have text on screen you should keep it there for as long as it takes to read it out loud three times. Once again, I had to go back and play the animation again, and PAUSE it just to read it! So for both of those cases just adding more frames (in the case of the text, A LOT more frames) should help an incredible amount.
The next thing is that i think your characters could be a bit more over the top. The thing with animation is that it allows you to portray things in ways that live action film could not. So, take advantage of that. Make the reactions bigger, the emotions more clear, and maybe focus on improving character design so that the viewer can make more assumptions about the character just from their looks.
Another thing is I think this animation could benefit a lot from the use of some simple sound effects. You can find lots of free sound effects online with a simple Google search, so I'd recommend you try that out for your next cartoon, it makes them more fun to watch, and there is even plenty of room for comedic value in sounds!
So overall I do like it, I think it just needs to be polished a bit. If you have any questions about anything at all (what else could be improved, exactly how to go about doing so, etc.) do feel free to message me, I'm always happy to help! Keep it up, I hope to see more from you in the future! Good luck! :)